In 2010, American Express launched a plan to recognize a new, nationwide shopping day to kickoff the holiday season. At that time, small businesses across the country were feeling the pains of the economic recession. Many were struggling. Small Business Saturday was created in an effort to show support for small businesses and to celebrate everything they bring to our communities.
Small Business Saturday is recognized each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year, the #ShopSmall celebration is Saturday, November 30th, 2019, which also marks the 10th anniversary of the annual, holiday shopping tradition.
"I love Small Business Saturday," said Whitney Stohr, Communications Connector at the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce. "Black Friday is a crazy day where the focus is more corporate. People run around like mad to find the 'best' deal from the big, chain-retail stores. But, Small Business Saturday is different. It's about stepping back into the community and taking things at a slower pace. It's about finding that perfect gift for someone while supporting a business owned by your friend or neighbor. There's something special about that act of buying local."
Each year, American Express reaches out to local partners and designates community based organizations as Small Business Saturday "Neighborhood Champions." The Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to take on this role in 2019.
As a Neighborhood Champion, our goal this year is to help connect shoppers with small businesses and small business owners in the Auburn Area. Throughout the month of November, leading up to Small Business Saturday, we will be sharing on our social media pages, many #ShopSmall events and retail promotions at Auburn Area businesses.
If you are a small business owner who would like to see your Small Business Saturday promotion shared on our social pages and website, email Whitney Stohr at [email protected].
Make sure to follow the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for frequent updates and information.