Cascade Regional Blood Services is the sole provider of blood products for MultiCare Health System. It is imperative that healthy individuals continue to donate to minimize disruptions to the blood supply. As the coronavirus outbreak expands, our blood supply is affected by the decrease in the number of eligible donors and collection drives that are cancelled. Maintaining a sufficient blood supply is essential to ensure patients receive needed treatments. CRBS' donation centers in Tacoma, Puyallup and Federal Way are operating on normal business hours, and we encourage you to donate if you are healthy and have not donated in the past 56 days, or have never donated before.
As your community blood center, CRBS is dedicated to helping protect the health and safety of our donors, patients, volunteers, staff, and community as a whole. The coronavirus does not pose any risk to blood donors, either during the donation process or from attending organized blood drives. CRBS is the place where healthy people gather to save lives.
Please visit crbs.net or call 1-877-24-BLOOD to set a date to donate.
Bloodworks NW is at a tipping point where children and adults experiencing trauma, those going through cancer treatment, and premature babies, among others, will not have blood available. While we see grocery store shelves empty of non-perishables -- no water, no toilet paper, no hand sanitizer -- we know blood is short-dated; it's just like the milk on your shelf. And it takes 1,000 people donating every day to ensure Bloodworks has a safe and stable blood supply for all who need it now. Together, we can rise up to mee this challenge, but we must act now. With your help, we can ensure Bloodworks receives the necessary donations to fully restock its blood supply -- pint by pint. We need all healthy people to come in to help reverse a blood shortage, another -- avoidable -- public health emergency.
Here's what else you can do:
> Encourage frien ds, family and community members to donate! Donating blood is a safe activities. Donors who are healthy and able are encouraged to come in. Individuals are not at risk of contracting coronavirus through the blood donation process.
> Host a blood drive. With a surge in drive cancellations, we are looking for groups to hold drives.
>Post a message on social media. Help educate your community on this critical need and, if you are a member of a community or neighborhood group, inform them as well.
Please contact Bloodworks NW at 206-972-8444 for more information or to schedule a time to donate or to host a blood drive.