Dear City of Auburn Parks & Trail Users --
As part of its evolving resonse to the COVID-19 outbreak and with guidance from public helath - Seattle & Kin County, the City of Auburn has CLOSED all active recreation areas in parks. This includes playground equipment, sports courts (tennish, basketball, pickleball), baseball fields, mod-soccer fields, and picnic shelters. All recreation areas where it could be difficult to maintain recommended social distancing guidelines.
Parks, trails and open playfields where social distancing can be maintained remain OPEN.
Pickup games, picnics and other large gatherings will not be permitted.
Restrooms within the parks are currently CLOSED. Park users are encouraged to go before you go to a park.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has flagged mental health as a top concern associated with the COVID-19 outbreak. We recognize that social distancing may take a toll on our mental health, especially during high-stress and anxiety-producing global public health emergencies. We also know that parks provide a connection to the outdoors and green space as well as opportunities for physical activity which studies demonstrate reduces stress and improves mental health.
We believe that many parks, trails and open spaces can continue to be used in a safe manner that allows people to enjoy the mental and physica health benefits these spaces provide. In all instances, we recommend people follow park rules regarding the use of these spaces.
We are encouraging all users to follow these recommendations:
Find a complete list of Auburn Parks and trails online at auburnwa.gov/parks.