IMPORTANT UPDATES - Working Washington Grants Round 5 (WWR5): The WA Legislature invested $70M for Working WA Grants: Round 5. 60% will go to non-profits and businesses in the arts/heritage/science sectors, and 40% will go to small businesses & non-profits in most sectors. The grant application portal OPENS on August 17, and NEW NEWS! the grant application portal will now be open until 5:00 pm on September 9. We strongly encourage small businesses and non-profits to PREPARE NOW and apply. Learn more:
Sign up for updates here.
Please spread the word! There is a ready-made and updated communications Outreach Toolkit available here.
Upcoming webinars:
🔜 Wednesday, August 3, 2:00 pm - Working WA Grants: Round 5 Information Session. Hosted by WA State Microenterprise Association (WSMA) – all are welcome. Register:
🔜 Thursday, August 4, 9-10:30 am - Preparing to Apply for WWR5 Grants and UEI Walk Through. Hosted by OneEastside - open to all. Register:
🔜 Thursday, August 18, 9-10:30 am - Preparing to Apply for WWR5 Grants and UEI Walk Through. Hosted by OneEastside - open to all. Register: Note: Both of the OneEastside WWR5 Webinars on 8/4 and 8/18 from 9-10:30am will include simultaneous translation in Korean, Mandarin, Russian and Spanish in addition to providing ASL.