King County Metro Transit will hold a Virtual Town Hall, beginning at 11 am, on Friday, April 24th, 2020.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide local, elected officials and staff of city/town jurisdictions in King County the opportunity to:
1. Ask questions and receive information about ongoing COVID-19 response and alternate options for our workforce and riders, especially priority populations.
2. Learn how to keep constituents informed and continue to provide feedback to Metro during the time of temporary reduced schedule.
3. Provide feedback about COVID-19 response and impacts to constituents, especially priority populations, as a result of reduced served to inform mitigation efforts.
For city officials and staff, Metro Transit has created a COMMUNITY PARTNER TOOLKIT with information and resources to distribute to their constituents and communities. Click here to access the Toolkit.
Join the Virtual Town Hall
CLICK HERE to join the Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 930 9806 9151
Password: 376218