Upcoming Events
Housing, Community Development & Veterans (House) - HHR E, JLOB - 1/14 @ 10 am
2SHB 1938 - Public Hearing - Creating a local infrastructure investment program to support the development of affordable housing, workforce housing, and revitalization efforts (If measure is referred to committee.) (Support/High)
Labor & Commerce (Senate) - SHR 1, - 1/16 @ 8 am
SB 5473 - Public Hearing - Making unemployment benefits accessible to persons with family responsibilities and other availability issues and making clarifying changes. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.) (Oppose/Medium)
Environment, Energy & Technology (Senate) - SHR 1, -1/16 @ 10 am
SB 5412 - Public Hearing - Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation fuels. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.) (Oppose/High)
Housing, Community Development & Veterans (House) - HHR E, JLOB - 1/17 @ 10 am
2SHB 1938 - Exec Session - Creating a local infrastructure investment program to support the development of affordable housing, workforce housing, and revitalization efforts. (If measure is referred to committee.) (Support/High)
Bill Details Status Sponsor Priority Position
2SHB 1938 Local infra. Investment prg Steele High Support
Creating a local infrastructure investment program to support the development of
affordable housing, workforce housing and revitalization efforts.
SB 5412 Greenhouse gas/transp. fuels Salad?a High Oppose
(E2SHB 1110) Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation fuels
Supports the deployment of clean transportation fuel technologies through a carefully
designed program that reduces the carbon intensity of fuel used in the state, in order
to: (1) Reduce levels of conventional air pollutants from diesel and gasoline that are
harmful to public health; (2) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with
transportation fuels, which are the state's largest source of greenhouse gas emissions;
and (3) Create jobs and spur economic development based on innovative clean fuel
technologies. Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee to: (1) Analyze,
by December 1, 2027, the impacts of the initial five years of clean fuels program
implementation; and (2) Submit a report to the legislature that summarizes the analysis.
SB 5473 Unempl benefits/family resp Salad?a Medium Oppose
(HB 1445) Making unemployment benefits accessible to persons with family responsibilities and
other availability issues and making clarifying changes.
Revises the employment security act to: (1) Provide unemployment benefits to people with
family responsibilities and other availability issues; and (2) Requires the commissioner of
the employment security department to adopt rules to ensure claimants remain attached
to the labor force by seekig work in a substantial field of employment and are available
for scheduling that is reasonably available in the claimant's local labor market and